A Most Mystical Salutations to you, Puzzler!

Do you believe in magic?

I must admit that until recently, I did not. As a devotee of escape rooms, I tend to pick things apart and understand how they work on a practical level.

Naturally, when I heard that one of our empty rooms had been rented out by a self-proclaimed wizard, I was sceptical.

That was before I walked into the office to find all our pencils levitating.

Since then I’ve noticed all sorts of strange happenings, from disembodied voices to the aroma of brimstone and mandrake root wafting under the door, which always remains shut. I’ve never once seen or heard that door open since the wizard moved in.

I have seen the wizard’s assistant, though they have refused to give me any hint as to what mystical mischief is supposedly going on in there.

What if the wizard is working on something dangerous? Something that not even he understands?

Are you brave enough to enter the Wizard’s Lair? And are you prepared for what you may find there?