We will be back soon! Portland escape room!

Greetings, Puzzler!

I hope that you’re all feeling well and staying safe in these trying times. We here at Escapism Portland have been staying inside and occupying our time by working on new puzzles, improving upon old ones, and reminiscing about how much fun we’ve had with our guests over the years.

Escape rooms, as a concept, are especially interesting in these times when we’re all stuck inside and yearning to be outside. But the fact of the matter is that escape rooms aren’t about being trapped–they’re about freeing yourself!

Our goal with each room is to transport you, whether it’s to a haunted basement from the 1900s or a spaceship about to blast off for the stars. We hope that by the time you escape you feel like you’ve gone on a journey.

In a time when real travel is difficult for many, we hope that our rooms can provide a much-needed escape after all the real-world stress we’ve gone through.

We’ve developed cleaning procedures before and after each visit which we believe make our rooms the safest 1-hour vacation you can take.

That’s it for now, puzzler! We’ll look forward to seeing you again once this difficult time is over. Thinking of how much fun we’ve had together–and how much fun is to come–has kept us going through the last few months.