Halloween themed escape room in Portland!

Greetings, Puzzlers!

Have you ever felt a presence standing right behind you, breathing on the back of your neck?

I only ask because I’ve been experiencing some strange sensations lately while working in one of my favorite escape rooms, Malice Manor. You see, when we built the room we set out to make it our spookiest experience yet. We created a whole backstory involving a tragic death and a trapped spirit and had a blast making puzzles that were both challenging and spine-tingling.

Lately, though, I’ve been dreading going down into that basement. Since we’re not taking reservations at the current time, we’ve transformed it into a garage of sorts for repair and design work. Nothing scary about that, right?

That was before I started hearing the voices. Two of them–a woman’s and a young girl’s. At first I thought it was just my imagination. But then I heard it again, right as I turned off the lights to leave.

Another time I went down there and found the secret door wide open, even though I had sworn that I shut it the night before. I texted my coworkers, but none of them had been to the room in days.

For the safety of our guests, and to enable us to give you the best hints and assistance possible, we have cameras in each room. Naturally, I decided to skim through some footage from the previous night. Strangely, though, the cameras had stopped working completely from midnight to two a.m. Even stranger was the fact that those hours were missing from every night’s log.

I know I shouldn’t be telling you this. Malice Manor was meant to be a fun but ultimately made-up haunted adventure. But now I’m not so sure.

I’m going to use this time without guests to get to the bottom of what’s going on in Malice Manor. Wish me luck, puzzler. And if you don’t hear from me again, well, at least I’ll have died proving that ghosts are real.